Friday, February 16, 2018

Master Chef

Master Chef is famous for ridding the universe of the dreaded Coventry alliance and the nasty Froth zombies that they created. He was once a member of the ancient Japanese martial arts cult of the Steel Chefs. His enjoyment of food has made him slightly rotund. His voice is gritty, with the lines to match “go ahead, make my lunch”, and of course, you can never see his face hidden permanently by his battle helmet.

Monday, February 12, 2018

Morgan Freewilly

Morgan Freewilly was single handedly responsible for cleaning up City 7. He was a member of the famous Scottish Bravefart Teddies who are orange with blue tattoos, kilt and will moon the opposition before attacking in berserker style. “Kiss my furry butt”. “You can take my stuffing but you canna take my freedom”.

Friday, February 9, 2018

Tonto McTavish

Tonto MacTavish is a tan colored Teddy who is, half Scottish and half Native American. His kilt, although tartan is worn like a loincloth. He has a hip holster with revolver and a shoulder holster with a Winchester slung across his back. He is the close friend and sidekick of Morgan Freewilly and provides balance to Morgan’s berserker style. He has blue tattoos as well but in the shape of Native American war paint. He also has a Mohawk that starts on his head and runs down his back ending at the base of his spine.

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